Friday, March 23, 2012

Baby Delivers 2 and Wrapping Up the Week

I have a few more cute shots of Baby and her new slim trim frame from yesterday evening.

This was Baby before:

pregnant Baby before - YOWSA!

And this is Baby after:

Baby after delivery - ahhhh...

She wolfed down three plates of food last night.

And took off into the sunset; she had work to do!

"Thanks for the chow.  Don't be late tomorrow."

And she gingerly stepped off

Getting smaller

and smaller

- she stopped for a tinkle -

and smaller

and she was over the hill and off into the sunset, literally

When I was packing up to go, always hard for me to say good bye for the night, little Zsa Zsa showed up.  You haven't met her yet, but she is the very young cat we almost caught in the trap with Gunther.  Man, she is so cute, you won't believe:

Zsa Zsa, really still a kitten, is one of the most secretive, shy, and elusive cats we feed outside of her Mom, Sunset, who is so shy I can't even show you a picture of her, but she looks like a larger Zsa Zsa - they are both gorgeous with amazing eyes.  Sometimes we see Zsa Zsa up at the apartments feeding station, and sometimes we see her at the park, it's pretty rare, but in the spirit of the real glamour puss she is, she always comes late, and I always have to unpack everything for her. 

You have to have an eagle eye to spot Zsa Zsa, because she rarely comes out of the bushes.  Let's play Where's Waldo - can you find her in this picture?

She's here:

We had a touch of unwanted excitement when Blabby was eating on the steps and Moonpie showed up.  Blabby dropped the Kit Kat out of his mouth and took off running like someone shot him out of a cannon - straight up the hill and behind the concession:

Blabby took off running from his place on the stairs to behind the concession

I am not sure Moonpie cares anymore

Blabby is however slowly overcoming his fears and I touched him on Wednesday for the first time.   And Starlight seems to be establishing her presence as more than a visitor now at the park.

Starlight moving in?

But it was a slow week in all without Tweeny and not without its trials.  Petey threw up everything she ate on two different days, which concerns me.  There are so many changes at the park, not just in the park itself in preparation for the summer crowds, but in the group of cats as well.  You alter one cat and it changes eveything.  Every one of the cats has to adjust.  You take away any one of the cats and the cats have to adjust their hierarchy.  They do form relationships and they do miss eachother.  If  a pregnant cat has kittens it changes everything as well.  It's no wonder Petey is feeling a little insecure.  When I was a kid and I had to go afterschool to visit kids houses I had never been to before, I often threw up.  New experiences can make kids ill.  Cats are the same way.  But let's hope it is nothing more serious with Petey.  She is the oldest cat  we feed at the park, and the only one still there that has been there from the beginning.

we named her Petey when we thought she was a boy; we make that mistake a lot

I almost ran Jazzy over driving home.  He dashed out in front of my headlights on the seafront road, and that really jarred me.  The night before I saw him on the shoulder of the same road.  And last night when I walked Muji I found him across the street on the path to the sea canoodling with some cat I have never seen before.  He is altered now, so it couldn't have been that, could it?  And I know they weren't fighting.  If I didn't know better I would swear they were making love!!  But whatever it is and whoever she is might explain why he has been crossing the road so much.  When I walked back by with Muji on the way home, Jazzy was gone, but a cat called out from the brush beside the path and shut right up when she realized it was just me and Muji.

Jazzy a romantic?
Muji, our dog, has hurt his back and we are concerned about him.  He has to be on medication. He has been in pain.

Our beloved Muji, our rock and the calm in all the storm; heal swiftly sweet spirit
Nik saw another new cat feeding out back of our house this morning.  I have lost count of all the new cats.  Last night I met a kind soul on Youtube who feeds feral cats like us, and that was a comfort to connect with her because she understands the stress.  She is worried about one of her cats that has gone missing.

I am looking forward to this weekend when Nik will be here all the day because I miss him when he is at work, and we have more fun, and can offer eachother emotional support when we take care of the cats together.

Tomorrow we are going to look at some land for sale in the village.  Our dream is to get a very large piece of land off a dirt road, build a wooden house on it, and relocate as many cats as we can there, where we can get them away from the dangerous seafront road and look after them properly.  So wish us luck, please, and keep the cats and us in your prayers.

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