Monday, June 11, 2012

You've Gotta Be Kitten Me

After a very rowdy Curry Night at our house Friday night, and surprisingly few cats on the table:

We really cut loose when the American carrot cake came out
We settled in for a cherished couple of hours of sleep before we got up to do the morning feedings.

Saturday eeeeearly morning at the park - yowsa - left to right: Moonpie, Mustafa, Petey, Baby, Strike, Bugsy, and Blabby

Coral came, I don't think you've met her yet:

meet Coral; she just recently had kittens

Moonpie climbed in my lap:

 sweetie Moonpie in my lap

And a little while after Nik arrived we heard the tiniest mewing coming from the concession.  When we turned around and looked up the hill we saw something like this:

A small, pure, bright, happy, innocent light shone out of the firmament

It was a wee calico kitten sitting underneath the water tank, way too young to be on her own.  I went to the hill to call her down, careful not to scare her off in case she was feral.  She enthusiastically ran down the hill toward me, and I picked her up promptly handing her to Nik so he could fall in love with her:

 What's not to love?

Luckily we had a pouch of kitten food.  She feasted and then we introduced her to Moonpie, Petey and Strike: 

 Uh-oh, where's Waldo?

There she is ;)

Then she curled up in Nik's hand like a snail and went to sleep:

The kitten caught some zzzz's

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