It is harrowing for the vets and for us, and it is that rare occasion on which I have very little sympathy for the cats because they behave so atrociously.
Here was Sophie. She was so bad. SOOOO bad. I could not believe it was my sweet little Sophie. I am not even speaking to Sophie right now because I am so offended by her behavior, and still stinging from her scratches.
Sophie giving the vet a heckuva time |
Sophie, when her tiny light fell to earth |
Sophie, who could do no wrong |
Sophie, the one who puts her little paw on my face when she sleeps on my chest and then looks around as if to tell the other cats, "She's mine. Eat it."
Hmm,...well, come to think of it, that's not very nice either.
Here Solo glances at Precious before the remains of the day: spent teabags, empty gourmet tins and Carrefour pate foils, and drained vaccine bottles:
"What world is this?" "Τι κόσμο είναι?" |
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